Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Will the baby like Harry Potter?

Hx I like Harry Potter so i hope the baby BOY will too!
Mx Harry Potter Crilly!!! What a great idea for a name Hannah. Do you think your mum will like it?
Hx I don't Michael but i know one thing for sure i don't.
Mx Little baby wizard boy? Is that a better name for a baby? What about the Elvis Wizard? Harry? Or Harold?

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

baby names

Hx i would love to call my brother Benjamin
MX i've given up the idea calling him Elvis but still have a little hope in the name.
AX I didn't know that choosing a name could be so scientific !
?x I want to be called .....???

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Actually ... it's a foot.

Mx From a different angle he looks just like a giant alien foot with ten toes. What do you think out there?


I have always wanted a brother and now my dream has come true. I am so excited I am to happy for words.

Mx Just don't ask how the experts in medical diagnostics can tell the difference between XX and XY chromosomes using x-rays.