Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Will the baby like Harry Potter?

Hx I like Harry Potter so i hope the baby BOY will too!
Mx Harry Potter Crilly!!! What a great idea for a name Hannah. Do you think your mum will like it?
Hx I don't Michael but i know one thing for sure i don't.
Mx Little baby wizard boy? Is that a better name for a baby? What about the Elvis Wizard? Harry? Or Harold?


Colin Crilly said...

Colin here,I have'nt seen any of the Harry Potter films!
Are they any good?

AnnaB said...

I am sure your Mum will love the name Harry Potter Crilly (!!!!!!!) - or you could always call him a mixture of the three Wizards maybe something like Harronmione......

Anna x

karenb said...

so where are all the pixs ??? I was expecting a day-by-day update of the changes. Don't tell me you are all asleep ????

sounds like mum and colin will be comming over at xmas to see lewis, but they'll only be here for 3-4 days so we need to see when you'll be about. Hope to see u at the weekend on sat. Give Lewis a kiss from me, wayne and Isabel

Hannah said...

yes harry potter is good.